Artistan Profile: Stacie and Be Kind Naturals

Stacie is one of those people who seemingly does everything. This Handmade Maverick has 3 jobs; volunteers; has pet egg-laying hens (one of whom is named Marilla); and she has a successful small business making all-natural personal care products, Be Kind Naturals.

While on her honeymoon in northern California, Stacie and her spouse loved the handmade soap at their bed and breakfast. 12 years ago, Stacie learned how to make soap, and she's been making soap like a madwoman ever since. She found it was tough to go back to harsh commercial soaps, and since her whole crew has sensitive skin, it just made sense to make it herself.

These days Stacie also offers Dead Sea bath salts, aromatherapy lotions, soy candles, and other all natural aromatherapy items. Stacie is thrilled by the customer reaction to her soap, and is honored when customers come back for more. She loves small-town life, and is excited to see Winona come out to support it's artisans and growers on May 1!

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